Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Introduction to the Gluten-Free Employee


       I created this blog so that I could share what I've learned about the gluten-free lifestyle and elaborate on the reality of my transitional experiences so that others could steal, I mean share, my tried and true gluten-free recipes and hopefully have others share some of theirs with me as well. And because my mum suggested I document my experiences and recipes when we first found out I was pregnant a month after being diagnosed. It's been over three years and I'm now getting to it but I have many more recipes and knowledge than I did then to share.

     The first title I came up with sounded more like I was going to preach to people about the awareness of being gluten sensitive and that I was going start selling gluten-free products that I didn't create myself.  I was gonna name this new blog "The Gluten-Free Gurlru" but I didn't wanna be a leader per se in gluten free eating or life style, I just wanted to put down my experiences and recipes from becoming gluten free. I thought that the term employee sounded more accurate than being a know-it-all about gluten-free living.

      And I'm not saying that since becoming gluten-free from being diagnosed with Celiac Disease over three years ago that I've become a slave to gluten-free foods by saying I'm an employee. I'm saying there's a give and take to this intimate relationship that I've come to incorporate into my daily eating habits and life and that the process of finding out what's successful and what isn't is kind of like a vocation where I'm having to use gluten-free as a guide.

     Many of my recipes may be completely gluten-free or mostly gluten-free with the option to make it completely gluten-free by substitutions or subtractions of gluten-containing ingredients altogether.

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